Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wedding Daze

Wedding Daze. Quirky little romantic comedy, with a twist. It was written and directed by one of my favorite comedic brains, Michael Ian Black. Mugs is a recent convert, so we both watched. BTW, there's a shockingly incomplete IMDB page for this movie, it doesn't even have a cast listing...

First of all, let me say that Jason Biggs is annoying. Very annoying. However, the movie survives this. The female co-star is Mrs. Sacha Baron Cohen, er, I mean the lovely Isla Fisher. She shines in this movie as a fairly unstable but terribly charming young woman. Her friends are two circusies(I made that up, meaning carnies but about the circus?), Matador in particular steals most of the scenes he is in.

The parents of each of them are quite funny, and definitely don't follow any over-used cliches I remember. Each time there was a scene I might groan at in a normal rom-com, Ian Black took it another direction. Surprising us, grossing us out, or just being silly. He humor was stamped all over this.

Mediocre acting spiced with a good script and some truly original ideas. I liked it, and I think you will if you are into weird movies.

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